Open ERP说很烂的中文吗?我们来教她
digitalsatori 对翻译问题我不想和你争论.按你的看到的,翻译是经过很多人的努力.按我做过的工作,就是"我翻译的". 那也不表示什么,既然不喜欢这说法,我以后不说,但我更喜欢做,更关心成果.
我和wjf的做法是:谁用谁参与完善, 并能保证这想法能实现.
最后一次在帖中解释翻译为什么要用现在的运行办法, 我希望以后是实际问题.
[[i] 本帖最后由 simon 于 2009-11-21 15:07 编辑 [/i]]
[list type=decimal][li]已经完成的工作[/li][li]正在进行中的工作[list][li]进度情况[/li][li]协作方式[/li][/list][/li][li]未来发展思路[/li][/list]不使用论坛的原因是,论坛的信息很散乱,很难检索,阅读。并且信息不稳定,相关作者可以随时修改,无法跟踪其修改历史。论坛只作为沟通手段。成型的东西全部有相关负责人公布到网页上。这样的话,新加入的人会很容易跟上进度。毕竟我们需要越多越好的陌生人加入进来,哪怕他只帮忙翻译了一个单词,但我们希望这个单词是我们没有翻译过的。是吧,别让人家出了力才发现白忙活那就不好了。
[[i] 本帖最后由 coldfire 于 2009-11-21 17:20 编辑 [/i]]
[quote]原帖由 [i]simon[/i] 于 2009-11-21 10:38 发表
我和wjf的做法是:谁用谁参与完善, 并能保证这想法能实现.最后一次在帖中解释翻译为什么要用现在的运行办法, 我希望以后是实际问题.
[/quote][list type=decimal][li]谁用谁完善,没错,问题是[color=black][b]怎么[/b][/color]完善?本地修改?在线修改?使用什么平台?google? launchpad?[/li][li]现在运行的方法不止一个,这个问题还没解决,到不了实际问题。[/li][li]最好不要用“最后一次”这样的词[/li][/list]
目前已经有不少的朋友在上面做贡献了,希望越来越多的朋友能加入进来,使Open ERP能真正做到下载安装即有良好的中文界面。
Sorry for being absent some time. Good to see that everybody is contributing.
I also did my share and completed . It was a rough experience because there were lots of terms that came from other modules for some reason. Only yesterday this was corrected by Tiny (base had 1960 terms or so and now has 1431). Please check the translation.
Working on module account as we speak.In the mean time I have been updating the (thanks digitalsatori for correcting some mistakes) on this site.
I would encourage all of you to look critically and contribute to this glossary. To get a good translation of OpenERP it is important that we use the
same translations for key concepts and difficult-to-translate words throughout. The glossary is intended for that.
Translating of Open ERP is a bit frustrating because the English used in the software is not always so good and not so standard (especially module mrp is hell!), so I feel in the Chinese translation we should improve on that. Rather than literally translating the terms Tiny uses, we need a very clear understanding of the underlying concepts to make good translations. For example a term I am struggling with now is "subscriptions", translated mostly by "订阅“. But it has little to do with ”订阅“. I think it refers to a period you can define to automatically handle recurring entries. So perhaps “循环分录期” would be better? This is one example only. So please while translating, anytime you hit a key concept or a difficult to translate word (for example week number, it is not a key concept but a bit difficult to translate, well for me that is) take the effort to update the glossary. In that way I think we can get a nice consistent, professional interface.
Thanks -
我现在是All_in_one 5.0.6 ,我用OE导出来的po文件上传的时候出错:
On 2009-12-30 01:56z (6 days 9 hours 16 minutes ago), you uploaded a
file with Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN) translations for account in
OpenObject Addons trunk in Launchpad.We were unable to import it because either this file did not originate
in Launchpad, or you removed the tag we use to mark files exported from
Launchpad.The reason we require that tag is to prevent translators who work
offline from inadvertently reverting translations made by others.To fix the problem, please get the latest export from Launchpad, apply
your changes and upload the merged file.
望高人指点:lol -