公司正在创业阶段,涉及到的环节比较多,需要有一个ERP来协助公司进行管理,考虑过速到的5000系列,金蝶的KIS系列,但总感觉流程太复杂而且很多环节的交叉关联很多无法处理,后来调查了一些国内的ERP系统,SAP的Business One东西很不错,从流程到分析都有好的效果,但就是实施费用太高,公司无法承担,后来看到OpenERP感觉功能与细节都比较合适,已经在内部部署了,但遇到的一些问题,希望兄弟姐妹们能给些解决方案:
[list type=decimal][li]中文化问题:[list][li]从官方网站上下载的All-in-one程序,安装后客户端选择了中文,但Web端的还是英文,同事们英语水平不一致,所以希望能有中文界面。在Administration----->Translation-----> localhost:8080/tree/open?model=ir.ui.menu&id=64 中language有简体中文,但在安装的过程中总是出现崩溃,出现的问题见附件LanguageProduction_report.pdf. 请大家看看这个问题是什么原因引起的?有什么办法可以解决?[/li][li][/li][/list][/li][li]BOM导入问题:[list][li]自己管理的BOM表中有很多数据需要先倒入到Production中,才能在后期的Stock以及Manufacturing中体现出,由于没有删除原始示意数据,但在删除示意数据时出现了报错,但无法删除,不知道如何处理?[/li][li]“null value in column "product_id" violates not-null constraint
CONTEXT: SQL statement "UPDATE ONLY "public"."stock_move" SET "product_id" = NULL WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "product_id""[/li][li]Export时选中了导入兼容模式,但始终报错,说无法找到第一行内容,看看大家有没有类似的问题可以协助解决?[/li][li][/li][/list][/li][/list] 先提以上几个问题,看看有没有办法解决,感谢大家了,谢谢。 -
An unknown error has been reported.
You do not have a valid Open ERP maintenance contract !
If you are using Open ERP in production, it is highly suggested to subscribe
a maintenance program.The Open ERP maintenance contract provides you a bugfix guarantee and an
automatic migration system so that we can fix your problems within a few
hours. If you had a maintenance contract, this error would have been sent
to the quality team of the Open ERP editor.The maintenance program offers you:
- Automatic migrations on new versions,
- A bugfix guarantee,
- Monthly announces of potential bugs and their fixes,
- Security alerts by email and automatic migration,
- Access to the customer portal.
You can use the link bellow for more information. The detail of the error
is displayed on the second tab. -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "netsvc.pyo", line 244, in dispatch
File "netsvc.pyo", line 73, in call
File "serviceweb_services.pyo", line 639, in execute
File "serviceweb_services.pyo", line 619, in execute
File "wizard__init_.pyo", line 178, in execute
File "wizard__init__.pyo", line 83, in execute_cr
File "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorOpenERP AllInOneServeraddonsbasemodulewizardwizard_import_lang.py", line 64, in _import_lang
File "toolstranslate.pyo", line 644, in trans_load_data
File "osvorm.pyo", line 2652, in create
File "sql_db.pyo", line 76, in wrapper
File "sql_db.pyo", line 120, in execute
IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "res_lang_name_uniq" -
错误表示在导入语言时,试图创建一个已存在的语言。查看一下“Administration->Translations->Application Terms->Languages" 下面有哪些已经定义的语言。