Openerp工作机会 -
Openerp工作机会多谢回复,目前没有打算开拓中国市场,主要因为openerp目前本身还不够成熟,里面bug太多,在欧洲也不过是起步阶段。还有国内客户能否接受高额的订制费用,商业流程是不是吻合等问题。但可能会有些欧洲客户采用openerp,他们在中国的分公司需要跟进(multi company)
而上海根本不适合人类居住,房子太贵了。。。 -
Openerp工作机会一个欧洲公司想把一些基于开源软件的工作外包到中国,主要部分是openerp的订制,模块开发等工作,是正式的全职工作。具体office开在哪里还没有确定,希望是内地大型城市,比如成都,重庆,西安等地。时间大概在今年年底,明年上半年的样子,初期希望招到一位Senior Developer负责office,同时培养几位Entry Level的工程师,如果一切顺利,会逐渐扩大规模。由于对国内openerp社区不够了解,不知道是否能在这些候选城市找到合适人选以及薪资要求?欢迎各位给些意见。我也会找时间谈谈openerp在国外的发展情况,尤其是相关开发人员的就业前景等。
[b]Junior/Senior Developer
As a developer, you will be responsible for several applications. You will be involved in parts - or in the totality - of the application's lifecycle: design, implementation, testing and finally maintenance. Along with your colleagues and with external partners, you will be responsible of:
- ERP based on Python and PostgreSQL (OpenERP)
- Multilingual website based on PHP and MySQL (Drupal)
- Various provisioning and monitoring systems, based mostly on Open-Source Software
- Testing scenarios for existing system and improvements in testing automation
You're a versatile and multi-tasking developer. You can understand business requirements and transform them into the efficient software design, and then into software implementations.
- You're experienced in at least one scripting language (PHP, Python, Perl, JavaScript, Ruby...)
- You're knowledgeable in SQL (preferably MySQL, PostgreSQL) and some of HTML technologies (HTML, CSS, Ajax).
- You are familiar with source control management concepts (Subversion)
- Some knowledge of TCP/IP protocols and services (HTTP/HTTPS, DNS, Apache) is a plus
It’s a definite advantage if you have experience in dealing with e-commerce websites (catalog management, ordering processes, Wiki knowledge base, customer services…) or ERP system and working knowledge of Linux/Unix server administration - setup, configuration, backups, monitoring.
- Self-reliant and work autonomously, good ability for team work
- Good communication skills, fluent in English is a must, French or German is a plus
- Good Aptitude and Interest in troubleshooting and bug-fixing on business critical systems
- Willingness in acquiring industry know-how