Web-Client 5.0.2
openerp.com 似乎已经把最新稳定版确定为 5.0.2了
TG2前面学习了一段时间,现在可以选择的web框架太多,有点无所适从。 -
tg2好像也是说 mako比genshi快,不过我自己没有测试过。 -
能否简单说下 Rails+DataMapper的好处,ruby一点都不了解。我想选择一个比较强大,性能好,以后有发展的技术路线做做东西。从语言来说,我还是最喜欢python,简洁。
我已经在搜寻Rails的信息学习,我原来使用过java的web框架,后来又学习python 的 tg。
Rails可能是一个很好的web框架选择。 -
[quote]原帖由 [i]chengwenge[/i] 于 2009-8-19 11:32 发表 www.shine-it.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2609&ptid=606
我已经在搜寻Rails的信息学习,我原来使用过java的web框架,后来又学习python 的 tg。
Rails可能是一个很好的web框架选择。 [/quote]本来我喜欢 ruby 更胜 python,但是现阶段 python 的资源远远超过 ruby,所以暂时转投 python 了。
不像 python 世界,ruby 世界只有 rails 这么一个老大(还有一个 merb 被收编了),所以使用人数、文档和学习材料比较多。
python 的web框架太多了,不过 tg 给我的印象比较好
[[i] 本帖最后由 oldrev 于 2009-8-19 15:30 编辑 [/i]]
rails 我今天开始学习了下,感觉比较系统。tg感觉是个大杂烩,而且每个版本变动比较大。
你不应该连5.0.1的服务器,要5.0.2的。GTK5.0.2连 5.0.1的服务器也有问题。
[quote]原帖由 [i]chengwenge[/i] 于 2009-8-19 21:53 发表 www.shine-it.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2615&ptid=606
你不应该连5.0.1的服务器,要5.0.2的。GTK5.0.2连 5.0.1的服务器也有问题。 [/quote]关键是有问题的话,给一个理由先????
修改客户端应该不影响 rpc 接口结构...
理论上,接口不变化.. 那 就应该与版本无关才对....
越来越让人失望了给.... -
本周开始学习测试了RoR,很是喜欢,后面继续研究学习。 -
5.0.3 (2009-08-21)
Bug Fixed (major): * [FIX] graph crashed, if date value is empty. * [FIX] O2M popup (IE issue). * [FIX] validation problem in wizards. * [FIX] search widget (missing validation). * [FIX] don't show sidebar if target=new. * [FIX] process view popup. * [IMP] datetime validation (year out of range). * [FIX] Fixed graph view for unicode characters. * [FIX] Fixed `Graph View` when there is no data on y-axis (For OOCRM). For more complete bug fix history, please visit Launchpad.
5.0.2 (2009-08-11)
New Features: * Removed TurboGears & PyXML dependencies * [color=Red]Ported to CherryPy 3 + Mako template, almost 5-7 time faster then the previous version[/color] * Re-implementation of graph with Open Flash Chart 2 * Implemented profiler for code profiling (for developer's only) * Implemented unit test api (for developer's only) * Implemented anonymous login Improvements: * Compatible with Python 2.6 * start-openerp-web command is renamed to openerp-web * Improved cache system (efficiently handle per db cache). * Added min_rows, limit configuration options for M2M/O2M fields * Improved ListGrid button action (support act_url). * Implemented `Concurrency Exception` handling. * Database filter options from configuration * Login controller with custom template for small Ajax login screen * Strip the header completely for action with target=new. * New Picture widget (display only) * Improved wiki widget * Improvements in `Import/Export` (db_id, id, import compatible). Bug Fixed (major): * Concurrenry problem when inserting o2m values from popup. * Calendar view (improper day span). * Incorrect sequence number incrementation * Fixed long URI problem (relate links) * Fixed notebook widget (nested notebooks are not working) * Dynamic notebook page visibility with attrs. * Improved Ajax validator (fixes onchange problem when there is some invalid value in the form) * Prevent conflicts with `onchange` and `attrs/state change` hooks. * Month calendar issue (day span 3 instead of 2 for hours=16 with day_length=8) * M2M (listview reload) problem in wizards. * O2M popup rendering time is too slow (IE bug) * attrs (invisible) is not working properly on fields with labels * attrs is not working properly on Group widgets * Evaluate dynamic domain & context expression. * Search popup validation problem (bug #338141) * Ignore concurrency check if no check field defined. * Create custom field for custom object (o2m popup problem). For more complete bug fix history, please visit Launchpad.