[quote author=digitalsatori link=topic=2547.msg8427#msg8427 date=1312364035]
请问设置有什么问题吗?校长你那里有没有论坛里 的教程录像,shelly 和一些兄弟之前看他们发布的那些
导出翻译的时候竟然出错了,选择了所有模块? -
我想把系统里的问号都取消掉,因为使用人员不小心就点到,都说很不方便。就是把help属性都改了就行了,我有改好的 你要不要?
建立对象 x_qingjd请假单->然后新建 字段描述( 开始日期 x_kaisrq等)
每次保存都 出现这个错误 Warning:There is no reference available for ,
Can't find field 'x_shengr' in the following view parts composing the view of object model 'x_qingjd': * 请假单表单 Either you wrongly customized this view, or some modules bringing those views are not compatible with your current data model
不知道什么愿意请高人指点? -
我想把系统里的问号都取消掉,因为使用人员不小心就点到,都说很不方便。我想把系统里的问号都取消掉,因为使用人员会经常点到,很不方便。我找到help属性 可是很多怎么取消?
E:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\Server\addons\sale\sale.py
00193: 'origin': fields.char('Source Document', size=64, help="Reference of the document that generated this sales order request."),
00204: ], 'Order State', readonly=True, help="Gives the state of the quotation or sales order. \nThe exception state is automatically set when a cancel operation occurs in the invoice validation (Invoice Exception) or in the picking list process (Shipping Exception). \nThe 'Waiting Schedule' state is set when the invoice is confirmed but waiting for the scheduler to run on the date 'Ordered Date'.", select=True),
00206: 'create_date': fields.date('Creation Date', readonly=True, select=True, help="Date on which sales order is created."),
00207: 'date_confirm': fields.date('Confirmation Date', readonly=True, select=True, help="Date on which sales order is confirmed."),
00210: 'partner_invoice_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Invoice Address', readonly=True, required=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="Invoice address for current sales order."),
00211: 'partner_order_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Ordering Contact', readonly=True, required=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="The name and address of the contact who requested the order or quotation."),
00212: 'partner_shipping_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Shipping Address', readonly=True, required=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="Shipping address for current sales order."),
00214: 'incoterm': fields.many2one('stock.incoterms', 'Incoterm', help="Incoterm which stands for 'International Commercial terms' implies its a series of sales terms which are used in the commercial transaction."),
00216: 'Picking Policy', required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="""If you don't have enough stock available to deliver all at once, do you accept partial shipments or not?"""),
00223: help="""The Shipping Policy is used to synchronise invoice and delivery operations.
00228: 'pricelist_id': fields.many2one('product.pricelist', 'Pricelist', required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="Pricelist for current sales order."),
00229: 'project_id': fields.many2one('account.analytic.account', 'Analytic Account', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, help="The analytic account related to a sales order."),
00232: 'invoice_ids': fields.many2many('account.invoice', 'sale_order_invoice_rel', 'order_id', 'invoice_id', 'Invoices', readonly=True, help="This is the list of invoices that have been generated for this sales order. The same sales order may have been invoiced in several times (by line for example)."),
00233: 'picking_ids': fields.one2many('stock.picking', 'sale_id', 'Related Picking', readonly=True, help="This is a list of picking that has been generated for this sales order."),
00234: 'shipped': fields.boolean('Delivered', readonly=True, help="It indicates that the sales order has been delivered. This field is updated only after the scheduler(s) have been launched."),
00238: fnct_search=_invoiced_search, type='boolean', help="It indicates that an invoice has been paid."),
00246: multi='sums', help="The amount without tax."),
00252: multi='sums', help="The tax amount."),
00258: multi='sums', help="The total amount."),
00260: 'invoice_quantity': fields.selection([('order', 'Ordered Quantities'), ('procurement', 'Shipped Quantities')], 'Invoice on', help="The sale order will automatically create the invoice proposition (draft invoice). Ordered and delivered quantities may not be the same. You have to choose if you want your invoice based on ordered or shipped quantities. If the product is a service, shipped quantities means hours spent on the associated tasks.", required=True, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}),
00843: 'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence', help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of sales order lines."),
00844: 'delay': fields.float('Delivery Lead Time', required=True, help="Number of days between the order confirmation the shipping of the products to the customer", readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}),
01179: ], 'Picking Default Policy', required=True, help="The Shipping Policy is used to configure per order if you want to deliver as soon as possible when one product is available or you wait that all products are available.."),
01184: help="You can generate invoices based on sales orders or based on shippings."),
01189: help="By default, OpenERP is able to manage complex routing and paths "<br /> -
我用SQL拷贝数据进数据库 为什么会没有权限试过了 不行
导出翻译的时候竟然出错了,选择了所有模块?Traceback (most recent call last):
File "netsvc.pyo", line 489, in dispatch
File "service\web_services.pyo", line 599, in dispatch
File "osv\osv.pyo", line 122, in wrapper
File "osv\osv.pyo", line 176, in execute
File "osv\osv.pyo", line 167, in execute_cr
File "C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\Server\addons\base\module\wizard\base_export_language.py", line 50, in act_getfile
File "tools\translate.pyo", line 469, in trans_export
File "tools\translate.pyo", line 434, in _process
File "tools\translate.pyo", line 402, in write
File "encodings\utf_8.pyo", line 16, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: invalid data
我导出翻译的时候竟然出错了。选择了所有模块。 -
我用SQL拷贝数据进数据库 为什么会没有权限我用SQL拷贝数据进数据库 为什么会没有权限
copy ir_act_url to 'E:/2.csv' CSV HEADER
ERROR: could not open file "E:/2.csv" for writing: Permission denied
SQL 状态: 42501 为什么本机也没用权限? -
预付款如何设置和操作,财务上有什么地方需要注意的?email我 我告诉你
请问怎样才能在制造业中加入产品的规格?1.按 product_var 关键字搜索 模块
2.然后在group 组里添加Useability / Product Variant 就会在产品里显示了 -
在OpenERP中,领料和申购的处理机制是一样的,都是用“Procurement Orders(物料获取单)”实现。一个Procurement Orders,表示要获取一种物料。新建的Procurement Orders,其状态为"Draft",确认后,其状态为"Confirm",Confirm的Procurement Orders可以运行。Procurement Orders运行时,系统查看该获取单上的产品信息。如果该产品是MTO(Make To Order),表示该产品没有库存,需要购买,系统提取该产品的供应商信息,自动生成采购订单。如果该产品是MTS(Make To Stock),表示从仓库直接获取该产品,系统自动生成出库单
因为一个Procurement Orders,只表示一种物料的获取,用户通常不直接新建Procurement Orders。例如,生产领料时,通常是根据生产单(Produce Order),系统自动生成多个Procurement Orders(一个物料一个Procurement Orders)。维修领料时,由维修单生成Procurement Orders。其它系统功能未提供的领料情况,可以考虑由用户新建领料单,领料单上每一种物料对应的生成一个Procurement Orders。
系统根据Procurement Orders自动生成的出库单或采购单,一个Procurement Orders,系统自动生成一个出库单或采购单。因此,系统自动生成的出库单或采购单,一张单子只有一种物料。实际工作中,通常需要把同一个供应商的采购单合并成一张大的采购单,或者把同一个仓库的、送往同一个领料人的出库单合并成一张大的出库单。OpenERP不能自动合并上述单子,但提供了手工合并的功能。即可以通过手工的办法,合并任意采购单,或者合并任意出库单。 -
V6.0.1 哪里可以导入导出资料?shelly :OE6 的Import/Export链接在WEB body的右侧,主意是在 tree view视图中, 是有导入/导出的.点双箭头即可把隐藏选项显示
请问什么是commit log?校长 commit log shelly
<br / http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-server/6.0/changes br / http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-addons/6.0/changes br / http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-client/6.0/changes br / http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-client-web/6.0/changes
提问者: 小鑫 4秒前